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According to the indictment, Diehl-Armstrong and Barnes contrived a plan to make it look as though Wells was merely a hostage, which would give Wells an alibi should he be captured. There are plenty of amateur sleuths who suspect that Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong was telling the truth and she wasn't the mastermind. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. When questioned, Marjorie tried to pin Rothstein as the mastermind since he had already died. Mere seconds later, it exploded, leaving a 5-inch gash in Wells chest. Now in a state mental hospital, Marjories testimony against Bill would be useless. It all started with a phone call on September 20, 2003, less than a month after Wells' death. An award-winning journalist who has worked forRolling Stone and MTV News, Chris enjoys prog rock, cycling, Marvel movies, IPAs, and roller coasters. The movie 30 Minutes Or Less basically has the same plot as this crime. They turned their attention to the bomb instead. Editor's Note: The following contains spoilers for the Netflix docuseries Evil Genius. He had a bomb locked around his neck like a handcuff, resulting in a giant protrusion out the front of his t-shirt. for having him store a corpse in his freezer. We know all the details that led up to the death of Brian Wells and all the parties involved," the official said. Authorities said Wells then admitted to being the PNC bank robber. After an argument, she allegedly shot him twice with a 12-gauge shotgun. Create your free profile and get access to exclusive content. Behind the murder was a woman named Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong who suffered from multiple mental illnesses and personality disorders. Netflix's new docuseries Evil Genius might be your new true crime addiction, especially if you were obsessed with projects like Making a Murderer and The Keepers. While searching Marjories house, police managed to find two ads in the paper circled by Marjorie a few days before James murder. 1. Previously, investigators made only one of these pages available to the media. Bank employees are trained to be aware of threats, to be on alert for anything that might be amiss. Read the Book Spoilers Now, Rachel Weisz Stars as Twin Doctors in Reimagination of David Cronenberg's "Dead Ringers", Sarah Shahi Jokes She Was "Notorious" at Her Kids' Elementary School After "Sex/Life" Premiered, Joshua Jackson Gets Into a Dangerous Affair With Lizzy Caplan in "Fatal Attraction" Series Teaser, Meet the 2 Other Actors That Help Pedro Pascal Bring the Mandalorian to Life, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Brian Wells went from being a planner to being the only murder victim of a Bank Heist. Your login session has expired. In 2003, when the terrible incident took place, Brian was 46 years old. State troopers found Wells inside a parked vehicle and handcuffed him. By clicking ACCEPT ALL, you consent to the use of cookies. Police brought him in for questioning and he soon confessed to a version of events that law enforcement already suspected to be true and also copped that Wells was in on the plot, according to All That's Interesting. In 1984, Marjorie (pizza bomber mastermind) had a boyfriend, Robert Thomas. She was unable to access more than $8,702, which he took. By signing up, I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive emails from POPSUGAR. A true crime documentary about Brian Wells. Afterward, police recovered several pages of handwritten instructions from Wells car. The device was attached to his neck like a large handcuff, and was beeping. You'll find yourself captivated by the four-part show, which dives deep into the investigation surrounding the murder of Brian Wells (also known as "the Pizza Bomber") and attempts to find links between other mysterious deaths in the town. Initially, Wells thought he was an active planner in the robbery but would realize that his diabolical accomplices Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong, Bill Rothstein, and Kenneth Barnes made him an unwilling participant. Get all your true crime news from Oxygen. WebThe story of Brian Wells is about a pizza delivery guy, a bomb collar, and a bank robbery. They detained Wells and placed him outside of a police vehicle, where he sat on the ground in a parking lot. Click here to get breaking crime news, ongoing trial coverage and details of intriguing unsolved cases in the True Crime Newsletter. Rothstein would have a better chance with a personal injury lawyer for his case. WebBrian Wells. 1 day ago, by Chanel Vargas Around the 10-minute mark of the first episode, viewers are greeted by the actual video footage of the bomb which is locked around Brian Wells's neck like a twisted sort of necklace exploding, sending shards of shrapnel into his chest and killing him. Barnes has said much the same. As you may already know, everyone and their grandmother has a true crime podcast these days. 2023 TIME USA, LLC. Diehl-Armstrong and Barnes were both eventually convicted of conspiracy and armed bank robbery charges. With a high IQ, she also excelled at college and got a Masters degree. Watch on What happened? 1155, Col. San Juan de Guadalupe C.P. In 1990, she married her next serious boyfriend, Richard Armstrong, who she called her one true love. Brian Wells, a pizza delivery man, robbed a PNC Bank in Pennsylvania on August 28, 2003. Whatever story youre conjuring up in your mind to go with pizza bomber," the reality is likely crazier. I dont have a lot of time, he said, according to a video A few years later, though, the footage did leak out thanks to a Washington, D.C. radio shock-jock, who obtained the video from an unknown source and posted it on his website. Police believed her, but not in the way she expected. So if you plan to watch Evil Genius but want to avoid witnessing a real person's tragic death, be sure to shut your eyes around 10 minutes in to the first episode . He was also walking with a cane, which police later found out was an expertly crafted, hand-made handgun. Brian Wells didnt leave the bank without picking up a lollipop from the counter first. Barnes was sentenced to 45 years in federal prison, and Diehl-Armstrong was sentenced to life in prison, where she died in 2017. Brian had given the police little detail aside from his name and place of work, and the accusation that someone had set him up. The last-minute call came from an address with an obscure address: a transmission tower site, down a dirt road, on the outskirts of town.Wells, 46, never returned to the pizza shop. While investigating, the FBI got another tip involving Kenneth Barnes, who confirmed their suspicion that Marjorie was the mastermind. The client, Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong, is serving seven to 20 years in state prison for pleading guilty but mentally ill to killing her boyfriend, James Roden, in 2003. "I get a call, 'Hey we got a new bank robbery at 7200 Peach Street, [and there is] a potential bomb utilized during the robbery.' Kenneth Barnes had already pleaded guilty as part of his deal in 2008, according to All That's Interesting. He was betrayed, though, and the false bomb was switched out with a real one, according to All That's Interesting. Even if Wells could have somehow beat the timers and finished the treasure hunt, he would never have been able to remove the bomb on his own. But that attire wasn't his choice at all. Magazines, 15 of the Most Fascinating True Crime Stories Ever Told, Or create a free account to access more articles, What to Know About the Shocking Case Behind Netflix's True Crime Docuseries. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. After Brian Wells was dead, police picked up two key pieces of evidence: The instructions provided by his attackers and the remnants of the bomb itself. The papers were addressed to the Bomb Hostage and contained directions first to rob the bank and then to proceed on an elaborate scavenger hunt for keys and codes to disable the explosive Wells wore. Posted on July 30, 2011 by Vincit Omnia Veritas. They lived together for nine years without event. He was born on November 15, 1956, to Rose Wells and Harold Wells in Warren, Pennsylvania. She wanted to kill her own father, who she accused of wasting a fortune that she was meant to inherit, according to Wired. Kara Rhodes, Erie Times News reporter, was at the scene; "The bomb went off and there was just silence, it was eerily silent." Maybe there was another person manipulating Diehl-Armstrong, Rothstein, and Wells who has never been identified. On the stand, Marjorie gave a long and rambling testimony (possibly a symptom of bipolar). After Diehl-Armstrong was separately convicted for fatally shooting Roden, a fellow inmate with whom she was incarcerated told authorities that Diehl-Armstrong had confessed to killing Roden because he threatened to expose the collar bomb plot to authorities, according to the FBI. It was his ex-girlfriend, Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong, who had shot him. With cameras pointed at handcuffed Brian Douglas Wells as he was sitting on the road surrounded by the police cars, 15 minutes before the bomb squad arrived, the Brian Wells, originally named Brian Douglas Wells, was reportedly a pizza delivery man residing in Erie, Pennsylvania. She was convicted with conspiracy to commit bank robbery with the utilization of a destructive device, and she was sentenced to life in prison on February 28th 2011. Wells' brother, John Wells, 44, of Phoenix, said the family won't be happy until justice is meted out. The entire plan was executed under her supervision. He was also a part of the pizza collar bomb case. While Barnes did get a reduced sentence for cooperating, it didn't do him any good. He was a pizza delivery driver and he had a clean criminal record. There are also rumors that perhaps the mastermind was never arrested, assuming that neither Diehl-Armstrong nor Rothstein was capable of coming up with such a complex plot. After his death, police collected letters in his car that corroborated his claim that he was forced to rob the PNC Bank. Rothstein, meanwhile, was charged for his involvement with the crime, but never saw his day in court. Here at Robert J. DeBry & Associates we analyze cases such as these and help those who need to build cases for wrongful death, injury and more. Coverage of the latest true crime stories and famous cases explained, as well as the best TV shows, movies and podcasts in the genre. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. A balding man with thick glasses, the only thing that made him stand out was his strange choice in attire. He died of lymphoma less than a year after his phone call to police. D'Ambrosio did not immediately return a message left at his office Friday. It had been locked around him by three people in order to compel him to do what they wanted and return with $250,000. Subscribe at iTunes or Google Play. This collar was attached to a box under his shirt, creating a large lump under the t-shirt. The PNC bank teller, shocked by the note Wells had handed her, told him that she wouldn't be able to produce $250,000 for him. Rothstein died of terminal cancer before he could face any charges, according to multiple news reports. Rothstein passed away on July 30, 2004, from non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Sign up forOxygen Insiderfor all the best true crime content. Prosecutors believe the 2003 murder of her boyfriend was intended to keep him from disclosing the emerging bank robbery plot. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. She conspired to rob the bank to get money so that she could pay a man named Kenneth Barnes to take the life of her own father. The Yankees catching prospect underwent an MRI exam on Tuesday that revealed a fracture of his It does not store any personal data. Many leads for potential suspects turned up empty until a local man named William Rothstein tipped off state police to a frozen body in his garage. From the 1960s to the early 1970s, Rothstein was in a romantic relationship with Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong. Police also took Wells' instructions and put together a route to follow. Create your free profile and get access to exclusive content. On top of her sentence for killing her boyfriend, Diehl-Armstrong, 68, was serving a life sentence after being convicted for her role in the robbery. This was the first task of a scavenger hunt that he claimed would save his life. On October 12th, 2010, Marjorie stood trial for the robbery/bombing. Across testimony given by Bill Rothstein, Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong, Kenneth Barnes, and Jessica Hoopsick, none agree with each other 100 percent. He told investigators he was the smartest guy in this room, and reeled of his impressive educational resume--including his degree in electrical engineering and that he was a substitute science teacher with the Erie school system, specializing in robotics. This is one of the most movie-esque murder plots ever committed and its the subject of Oxygens weekly. Today's video is about the infamous There was some conjecture that Brian Wells knew about the bomb plot. Wells told police before he died that he had been accosted by gunmen who locked the bomb on his neck and forced him to rob the bank when he went to deliver a pizza to a TV tower on a dead-end road. According to the indictment, heres how it happened: Ray Morrow, special agent in charge of the FBIs Pittsburgh office, called the three-year, 10-month case an outstanding, old-fashioned investigation and lauded the joint efforts of the Pennsylvania State Police and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. TAMPA Austin Wells has been dealt a tough break. Barbara Schroeder, Evil Genius writer-director with co-director Trey Borzillieri, drew from years of work including countless interviews with Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong, whom prosecutors have described as one of the pizza bombing plots masterminds. Her next boyfriend was James Roden, an unemployed alcoholic. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The case involved nearly 1,000 interviews and as many leads, Buchanan said. They said that if he followed the instructions on the paper, he would be able to disarm the bomb and would be unhurt, but he had a time limit he had to follow. A 46-year-old pizza delivery man with a bomb fastened around his neck robbed a Pennsylvania bank in August 2003, walking out with more than $8,000 in cash. One of the sellers confirmed selling a gun to Marjorie and Bill. For better treatment in prison, Diehl-Armstrong would finally tell everything she knew about Brian Wells, the pizza bomber. Hoopsick, who was never officially deemed a conspirator, could not be reached for comment by TIME. He handed the teller a note demanding $250,000. When police arrived at Rothstein's residence, they found Rothstein himself, the dead man in the freezer, later identified as James Roden, and a suicide note from Rothstein (who had not even attempted suicide) that, peculiarly and completely unprompted, stated in its intro that the body in the freezer had nothing to do with Brian Wells' case, according to Wired. It may be that his role transitioned from that of the planning stages to being an unwilling participant in the scheme, Buchanan said. The bomb collar he wore was going to explode, Wells said. He was reportedly the putative creator of the collar bomb. In July 2007, four years after the robbery, federal prosecutors announced that Barnes and Diehl-Armstrong were believed to have been responsible, along with other conspirators including Wells, who was involved in a limited extent with the planing.. Meanwhile, here are some truly mind-blowing facts about the case to whet your whistle. The treasure hunt, as authorities later called it, involved Wells going to specific locations to find items and four special keys that the instructions said would unlock the collar around his neck. Pennsylvania pizza deliveryman Brian Wells, 46, leaned against a police car in handcuffs and begged authorities to defuse the explosive device locked around his neck. While they were in route, something strange happened the bomb around Wells' neck began beeping faster and faster. The vault was on a time delay, and it would take longer than the 15 minutes allotted in his note. Marshals, 'Happy-Go-Lucky' Girl, 13, Allegedly Killed by Man Who's Accused of Sexually Assaulting 2 Women, 'Victims Are Getting Lost in All This':Mallory Beach Family Attorney on Murdaugh Murder Mysteries, Alex Murdaugh's Lawyer Admits Botched Suicide Plot, Says Client Was Depressed After Murders of Wife, Son, 2nd Former Iowa Schools Employee Found Dead Amid Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with Students, Woman Accused of Killing Her Friend, Then Framing Victim's Husband, Who Spent Years in Prison. Bill said that six weeks earlier, Marjorie had called him in a panic, saying shed shot and killed her boyfriend, James Roden. Sanitiza tu hogar o negocio con los mejores resultados. Long Waits, Short Appointments, Huge Bills. The FBI documents said Barnes later confessed to punching Wells on the day of the bank heist after Wells got scared and started to run away from the group of conspirators. Bill Rothstein couldnt bring himself to chop up James Rodens body. In her youth, she was very well-liked and considered to be highly intelligent. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. But then in August of 2003, the peace would be disturbed when Marjories neighbor heard gunshots coming from the house.. Oxygen Insider is your all-access pass to never-before-seen content, free digital evidence kits, and much more. She developed issues with bipolar disorder, which caused sharp mood swings, paranoia, and narcissism. Kenneth Barnes was reportedly a retired TV repairman, a drug dealer, and a friend of Diehl-Armstrong's. The prosecution sold Marjorie as the catalyst for the entire robbery/bombing, despite Bill building the bomb, and her clear mental instability. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. He was instructed to get $250,000 within 15 minutes. Chris Harris has been a senior true crime reporter for PEOPLE since late 2015. After leaving the bank, Wells was cornered by police in a parking lot. Instead, she gathered all the money she could from behind the counter and placed it in a bag for Wells. The It was a bank robbery? The plotters had gotten away with it and Wells had simply been in the wrong place at the wrong time when he got that pizza order. Wells said he saw three Black men waiting for him. It may be that his role transitioned from that of the planning stages to being an unwilling participant in the scheme.. WebBrian Douglas Wells Collar Bomb Video. Roden's killing led police to question Diehl-Armstrong in the Wells case because Roden's body was found in the freezer of a man named William Rothstein, who has since died. But the case has been solved and indictments are expected, likely by next month, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan was to make an official announcement at a Friday afternoon news conference. He explained the situation to police, told them about the three Black men who had placed the collar on him, and how he had to follow his instructions or the bomb would detonate, according to Wired. Ken told investigators that Bill built the bomb, and that the robbery was Marjories idea. While investigating, the FBI got another tip involving Kenneth Barnes, who confirmed their suspicion that Marjorie was the mastermind. After Marjorie broke off the engagement, she really began struggling with her mental disorders, including bipolar and depression. Buchanan met for about three hours Friday with federal investigators about the evidence compiled so far. Pieces of the collarbomb fragmented and shot everywhere. Officers had to restrain her, and they found James in the freezer as described. It beeped for about 10 seconds before it detonated, killing Wells and stunning an audience that had gathered to watch the bizarre situation unfold. In 2007, Diehl-Armstrong and Barnes were indicted for their roles in the deadly bank robbery. Starring Jesse Eisenberg and Danny McBride, 30 Minutes Or Less, is about a pizza delivery guy who is kidnapped by some criminals who strap a bomb around his neck and force him to rob a bank. He walked out about 12 minutes later with $8,702. PEOPLE has been given exclusive access to the detailed notes recovered by investigators who searched Wells car. On September 21st, three weeks after the robbery/bombing, the police received a phone call. The story of Brian Wells is about a pizza delivery guy, a bomb collar, and a bank robbery. WebInvestigators concluded and a federal prosecutor's indictment alleged Wells was a knowing participant in the bank robbery but was told the bomb was fake and did not know his co-conspirators intended for him to die. They were for shotguns. The investigation into Wells' robbery and death will be covered in tonight's episode of "The Price of Duty," with former FBI detective Jerry Clark recounting how the diabolical bank heist changed his life forever.. by Sarah Wasilak It also describes violent content that some audiences may find disturbing. Coverage of the latest true crime stories and famous cases explained, as well as the best TV shows, movies and podcasts in the genre. 11 hours ago, by Eden Arielle Gordon Wells reportedly needed money for his own debts. The official synopsis for Oxygen's Dateline: Secrets Uncovered episode, titled, Death Trap, reads: The bone-chilling case dates back to August 2003. Wells delivered his last pizza and made his next stop at a PNC bank in Erie, where he was to steal $250,000 while wearing a homemade collar bomb. Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong was convicted for her role in the plot in 2010. 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