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Please contact the police department and request to speak with an officer of the Traffic Safety Section. Noise made by any domestic animal will be considered a public nuisance if the noise if continuous or incessant for a period of 15 minutes or such noise is intermittent for one hour or more; provided, that at the time the animal is making such noise no person is trespassing or threatening to trespass upon the private property in or upon which the animal is situated, nor is there any legitimate cause which justifiably provokes the animal. The deadline for submitting applications is 10:00 am February 13, 2023. The process will take about 1-2 weeks vehicle is removed from the property. Visit the site today! Sleek, Shimmer & Shine, Its Heart 4 Hunger Time! Hershey, PA 17033 (717) 534-2202 FollowCrime Map Search form Search Search Search form Search Search Submit a Tip! All citations are issued through the following office: Magisterial District Judge 12-3-04 The Honorable Dominic Pelino 576 East Main St. Hummelstown PA, 17036 717-583-1912 You may make payments by credit card through the website The primary function of the Police Department is deterring crime, stopping crimes in progress, investigating crimes, and serving as first responders for emergencies and situations . Registration not only helps to identify the ownerof bikes when theyare found, lost or stolen, but also assists emergency responders in identifying a bike owner following anaccidentor mishap. reception is scheduled from 5:30-9:00 pm. Derry Township Police Department Chief Garth W. Warner 620 Clearwater Rd. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. There will be no pro-ration for applications submitted for less than a full calendar month. Incident Location: 306 Cocoa Avenue, Hershey. All suspects are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The Derry Township Police Department Criminal Investigations section monitors the current offenders by providing patrol officers the names, addresses and photographs for the offenders working and residing in the community. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. The Derry Township Police Department does not permit citizens or non-public safety personnel to accompany officers in an observable capacity during the course of duty due to liability reasons. Join Chess Club for a fun afternoon of chess. You will need to complete and submit the Residential/Business Alarm Registration Form. Robert Demmel, Community Services Section at or call to speak with an officer to schedule your request at 717-534-2202. Bring with you a picture ID or other legal form of identification and Fingerprint order issued from the Magisterial District Court. Community Service Officer: Not accepting applications at this time. All rights reserved (About Us). Over the past 118 years, 102 Troopers have died in the line of duty. Stephanie Olmos, 31, of Middletown, was charged with Theft by Unlawful Taking for an incident that occurred on January 13, 2023 at 3:20 pm, Richard Zearfoss, 54, of Hershey, was charged with Possession of Marijuana and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia for an incident that occurred on January 19, 2023 at 8:10 pm, Gordon Thompson, 81, of Hershey, was cited for Retail Theft for an incident that occurred on February 13, 2023 at 1:20 pm, Theresa Hampton, 34, of Hershey, was charged with False Reports-Falsely Incriminate Another, False Identification to Law Enforcement Officer, Driving Without a License, Operating Vehicle without Required Financial Responsibility, Vehicle Registration Suspended, and Failure to Surrender Registration Plates on Suspension for an incident that occurred on February 7, 2023 at 7:29 am, Quince Holmes, 51, of Hummelstown, was charged with Possession of Firearm Prohibited, Possession of Firearm with Manufacturer Number Altered, DUI, Failure to Stop at Red Signal, Violation of Use of Certificate of Inspection, Operated Vehicle without Valid Inspection, and Possession of a Small Amount of Marijuana for an incident that occurred on February 9, 2023 at 12:36 am, Dylan Bohr, 22, of Myerstown, was cited for Disorderly Conduct for an incident that occurred on February 10, 2023 at 1:25 pm, Frances Anthony, 45, of Baltimore Maryland, was cited for Harassment for an incident that occurred on February 11, 2023 at 4:44 pm, James Parker Jr., 23, of Palmyra, was cited for Disorderly Conduct for an incident that occurred on February 11, 2023 at 7:49 pm, Layla Souders, 18, of Harrisburg, was charged with Possession of a Small Amount of Marijuana, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, and Driving without a License for an incident that occurred on February 12, 2023 at 11:39 am, Fathy Elsayed, 42, of Hummelstown, was cited for Harassment for an incident that occurred on February 15, 2023 at 11:35 am. The deadline for submitting applications is 10:00 am February 13, 2023. Next month, join us on Tuesday, February 21, 2023. Be sure to obtain any case reference numbers provided so that you can provide them to law enforcement investigators. . Inquiries concerning policy, procedure, or tactics used by the department will be addressed by a shift supervisor. Review on Cybo. ARRESTS (All persons charged are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law)Kevin Huddy, 48, of Hummelstown, was cited for Disorderly Conduct for an incident that occurred on January 8, 2023 at 2:26 pmIncident Location: 605 Cocoa 0. A. (Photo provided). Join the Hershey Symphony Orchestra and Maestro Greg Woodbridge over Valentines Day weekend for a romantic night of classical music. On February4, 2023, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, retired State Police Sergeant Carl Harnish will offer, a presentation on the circumstances surrounding the line-of-duty deaths of Trooper Robert Lapp in 1972, and Troopers Paul Almer and Wayne Bilheimer in 1989. The Public Works Department is continuing to pick up the trees for one more week, As of Wednesday, December 28, 2022, the Tax Association Office is permanently closed. The Derry Township Police Department is a full service municipal law enforcement agency serving the residents and visitors of Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. If you have been notified that you have a warrant for your arrest or believe you may have a warrant for your arrest call the police department at 717-534-2202. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. Take the next immediate left onto Swatara Road, and then take another immediate sharp left onto a hill. Derry Township Police Department Chief Garth W. Warner 620 Clearwater Rd. Click this link for class information. Violations of Protection From Abuse orders should be reported through the communication center at 717-534-2202. At that time, the boundaries of Derry Township were much larger and included what are currently three other townships within Lancaster and Dauphin County. The Township is a vibrant and growing community of over 26,500 full time residents that hosts an estimated 5,000,000 visitors per year. Both of his grandfathers worked in the Hershey Chocolate Factory and his grandmother worked for the Milton Hershey School. CRIMEWATCH Technologies, affiliates and subsidiaries are in no way responsible for accuracy, timeliness, or relevancy of the information populating this site. will be collected by theDauphin County Treasurers Office(717-780-6550), beginningJanuary 1, 2023. Click here for more information on job requirements, minimum qualifications, and the application process. You can find the appropriate information by visting the following link: PennDot Persons With Disability Parking Placards The Derry Township Police Department will assist in dedicating a handicapped parking space in front of qualified persons residences. All site content on the CRIMEWATCH portal is the specific and unquestionable property of the appropriate law enforcement agency that maintains, manages and administers content. The business is located in Bradford, Pennsylvania, United States. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. Four Derry Township police officers and one detective were sent to the outlets that day after an Old Navy employee called 911 and said the trio was stealing from Old Navy and The Gap. We attempt to honor any reasonable requests for tours from scout groups, school groups or other civic groups. Our crime reports are summarized and uploaded to the public access website Items that are prohibited are liquids, needles/syringes, thermometers, aerosols and inhalers. You can also read the documentation to learn about Wordfence's blocking tools, or visit to learn more about Wordfence. Generated by Wordfence at Wed, 1 Mar 2023 23:43:21 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. This fee can be paid with cash (exact amount) or check. It is recommended that you call ahead of time to ensure that the proper personnel are available for the processing. The black-tie (optional) reception is scheduled from 5:30-9:00 pm. If you have more questions about the event, click this link or email us. Job Announcement Please direct questions regarding this position to Jobs close at 11:59 PM (Eastern) on the deadline date specified, or when the position capacity has been met, or unless otherwise specified in the announcement. Generously sponsored by Friends of the Hershey Public Library. Peters was last seen in the area of Zell Court in Hummelstown at 8:30 p.m. Saturday. The Derry Township Police Department welcomes responsible citizens comments concerning the quality of service provided by the department and its employees to the community. View on Facebook. Please allow as much notice as possible to schedule a speaker for your event. Derry Township Police Department: Derry Township police is in the early stages of acquiring cameras. Since this position will require the selected candidate to engage in regular dren in the form of care, guidance, supervision or training, you will be required to meet the requirements of the Child Protective Services Act, including the Pennsylvania State Police criminal background check, the Pennsylvania Department of Welfare child abuse . While all are welcome, children ages 11 and under must have a responsible person remain in the library during chess club. Police describe Dustin Peters as a 5-foot-8, 180-pound white man with brown eyes, and balding with gray hair on the side. The owner of this site is using Wordfence to manage access to their site. You may seek assistance in obtaining a PFA order by contacting one of the following agencies: Dauphin County Victim/Witness Assistance Program (717) 780-7075 Harrisburg Y.W.C.A (717) 238-7273. Source: Forks Township Police Department Location of Incident: 777 Middletown Road, Hummelstown. Domestic animals on public property. and check out the Derry Township Community Center program registration page. Applicant must present Photo I.D. Police describe Dustin Peters as a 5-foot-8, 180-pound white man with brown eyes, and balding with gray hair on the . Derry Borough Police Derry, Pennsylvania postal code 15627. The Township of Derry is planning to apply for twenty free trees through the Tree Pennsylvania 2023 Spring Bareroot tree planting program. Offenders changing address of residence or employment can complete that task at the Derry Township Police station via CPIN connection to the PA State Police. The owner or custodian of any domestic animal shall remove immediately any feces or vomit deposited by his/her domestic animal on any public street or street right-of-way, including the sidewalk and any other part of the street right-of-way, such as the grass boulevard between the street and the private property line; on any public parkland or public use area; or on any property of which such person is not the owner or tenant. :Traveling east on Hersheypark Drive (past the Tanger Outlets on the right), turn left at the stop light on Laudermilch Drive (Rt 743). 61-4. Dispatcher: Not accepting applications at this time. Further, it shall be the responsibility of the owner or the custodian of any domestic animal to be aware of and obey posted regulations, requirements and/or conditions established for allowing domestic animals to be on any particular public property. Bring with you a picture ID or other legal form of identification and any fingerprint cards or other documentation provided by your employer/ licensing board. Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. Township residents are reminded and encouraged to register their bicycles and pedalcycles with the Township as required by Ordinance. The Derry Township Parks and Recreation is looking, to hire Summer Swim Instructors for the Derry Township Community Center. To register for this class, visit our site today! Owner of the vehicle, owners of damaged property, attorneys and/or insurance companies representing anyone involved in an accident may also obtain a copy of the accident report. You may also send thank you notes to an Officer at 620 Clearwater Dr, Hershey, PA 17033. The Derry Township Police Department, located in Hershey, Pennsylvania is a law enforcement agency that has been granted specific police powers in Dauphin County. Please be advised that while we attempt to honor any reasonable requests for speakers and demonstrations we are unable to honor some requests due to scheduling and manpower. Generously sponsored by, Join us for a Found Family Movie. All domestic animals shall be under the control of their owner or custodian at all times, by means of leash, harness, rope, tether, fence, cage, training or other means of restraint, so that the animal does not run at large, move at will, or is otherwise unconstrained from entering on property other than that of its owner or custodian without permission of the other property owner. Every person desiring to engage in any transient retail business, soliciting or peddling in the Township of Derry shall first file an application with the Derry Township Police Department. Email us or, Member/Resident Registration Opens Jan 31st. To view detailed information about the Christmas trees, As of Wednesday, December 28, 2022, the Tax Association Office is permanently closed. The Office for Safe Schools of the Pennsylvania Department of Education offers the, to school entities in the Commonwealth. This meeting will be held in person at the Derry Township Administration Building, 600 Clearwater Road, Hershey, PA 17033. It shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper of a dog to house the dog for any period of time in a drum, barrel, refrigerator or freezer regardless of the material of which the drum, barrel, refrigerator or freezer is constructed. Please allow as much notice as possible to schedule a tour of the police station. , follow Derry Township Community Center on, and check out the Derry Township Community Center. The department has grown steadily as the community has grown and today has 39 sworn officers in addition to administrative civilians, community service officers, communication dispatchers, and special school police. CRIMEWATCH and the Eye Design are registered trademarks of CRIMEWATCH Technologies, Inc. 2023 CRIMEWATCH Technologies, Inc. To follow Derry Township Police Department, click the button below. Update: The man has been found and has returned home. HARRISBURG - The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) on Wednesday announced that it has awarded more than $2.7 million in grant funding to 130 local education agencies (LEA) across the commonwealth to purchase new food service equipment for cafeterias. Events determined to be discriminatory, controversial, negative, or offensive to other persons or organizations, or which promote organizations engaging in such conduct will not be included. Click here to read the Derry Township Ordinance regarding transient retail businesses. 717-534-0565 or email to reserve a seat. Please complete and submit a House Check Request Form 3 to 5 days before departure. The window to access the survey will close at midnight on Sunday, 2/5/2023. Follow Crime Map Site Home Calendar About Us About Us Command Staff Now is your chance to learn how! Click here to read the Derry Township Ordinance regarding transient retail businesses. Neighborhood Dispute Settlement provides training and education in conflict resolution and provides mediation services with little or no cost to the consumer. Directions to the Museum:Traveling east on Hersheypark Drive (past the Tanger Outlets on the right), turn left at the stop light on Laudermilch Drive (Rt 743). The Public Works Department is continuing to pick up the trees for one more week, until January 27, 2023, WEATHER PERMITTING. Visit our site to register today. CRIMEWATCH Technologies, affiliates and subsidiaries are in no way responsible for accuracy, timeliness, or relevancy of the information populating this site. Any person who needs an accommodation in accordance with the Americans With Disabilities Act during the application process contact 717-533-5498. Connect with us: Derry Township Police Department on Facebook Derry Township Police Department on Twitter Jun 22, 2021. The Ligonier Township Board of Supervisors will hold its next meeting 7 p.m. March 14. Derry Township - Police Officer This job is currently closed. The crash was reported around 10 a.m. in front of Jonnet . Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites. These surveys are being administered through Derry Township School District. Cocoa Packs is excited to announce its Annual Signature Event! Your access to this service has been limited. As a member of the Derry Township Community, we would like to ask for your participation in this important effort. Weekly Police Blotter-2/13/23. The Township of Derry is planning to apply for twenty free trees through the Tree Pennsylvania. While all are welcome, children ages 11 and under must have a responsible person remain in the library during chess club. CRIMEWATCH Technologies, affiliates and subsidiaries are in no way responsible for accuracy, timeliness, or relevancy of the information populating this site. If the vehicle remains along the roadside for longer than 48 hours it will be subject to the abandoned vehicle process which will result in towing. Uploaded to the consumer this class, visit our site today surveys are administered! Treasurers Office ( 717-780-6550 ), beginningJanuary 1, 2023 to honor any reasonable requests for tours from groups... 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