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And fourth databook Jin no Sho (on Rin page) suggest she loves Obito in afterlife ("she watch person she loves even after her death" besides a pic of Rin saying she watched Obito). Main articles: Sasuke Shinden (novel) and Sasuke Shinden (anime) When he met Might Guy, he thought that he was just another regular student. As Boruto was amazed that his classmates all had plans for the future, some as ninja and some deciding to pursue goals outside ninja work, Kakashi noted while the world has become in less need of ninja, ninja skills can prove valuable in other fields. While en route to an Akatsuki lair, they are confronted by Itachi Uchiha. I'm wondering if Kakashi ever loved or at least liked Rin. Main article: Past Arc: The Locus of Konoha All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The village is then attacked by intruders and Kakashi orders his former students to join with Shikamaru, Choji, and Ino to help stop the intruders, whom he later learns are some of the missing shinobi. The Mangekyou is initially awakened by the trauma suffered from witnessing the death of someone close to the user. However, the real question is whether Kakashis love interest in Hanare is real? He is known to be an avid fan of the Icha Icha series of novels; he always has one of the books with him and regularly reads it, even while talking to others. [60] With this arsenal, combined with years of experience, Kakashi can handle almost any situation in various ways. Shikamaru is rescued and, when he returns to Konoha, Kakashi gives him a week off. Afterwards, Kakashi applauded Mirai on combining the signature skills of her parents. At the same time, their constant bickering could be interpreted in a more affectionate light. "This quiz is soo cool", that is what I say, so try it. Who then is Kakashis love interest? He orders Asuma and Kurenai to shut their eyes while he is attacked with Tsukuyomi, subjecting him to three days of torture in a matter of seconds. Might Guy has considered Kakashi his rival ever since they first met in the Academy. During the Third Shinobi World War, he wore a black T-shirt with white stripes in the middle of the sleeves, additional sleeves over his arms, metal arm protectors, leather straps around his back and chest, and dark pants. Kakashi would make a great father, but as of right now, there doesn't seem to be any plans for him to have offspring. Kakashi received his Sharingan during the Third Shinobi World War from Obito Uchiha, a replacement for the left eye he'd lost shortly beforehand. Soon realising that these ideas were better suited for a romantic couple as they only succeeded in further estranging Sasuke from his daughter and even making Sasuke more furious at Kakashi, the retired Hokage suggested asking Sakura for advice since she knows her family better. Once Kakashi's done recuperating he calls them before him and is introduced to Sai, who is effectively Sasuke's replacement on the team; they speak only briefly but both of approve of each other. Kakashi is forced to go on the defence and, when Sasuke uses the Great Fireball Technique, he must close his copy of Icha Icha, but he still manages to defeat Sasuke. Whod she like? The loss of his Sharingan during the war resulted in him no longer using his signature Lightning Release, as the tunnel vision was no longer countered by the Sharingan. Because of this, Kakashi sticks close to Tazuna, knowing Zabuza will come for him eventually. Had Rin not died, she and Kakashi could have been more than teammates. He has never killed someone directly; instead, it has happened by mistake or indirectly. Many die in the Ten-Tails' counterattack, but another coordinated assault successfully removes the Ten-Tails from Madara and Obito's control. Also in the flashbacks that either Minato, Kakashi, or Obito have it shows that Kakashi was never rude or mean to Rin. Once he's ready, Kakashi uses Kamui on Deidara, but his aim is off and he succeeds only in removing one of Deidara's arms. They convince him to give them another chance after lunch, but Kakashi demands that Naruto not be fed. They could have been perfect for one another. He overuses his Sharingan during the mission, forcing him to to stay in the hospital for a few days and giving his team a chance to have a vacation. NOTE: In the anime, the events of this arc occur after the Mitsuki's Disappearance Arc. From here, you should be able to confirm whether what you know about the copy ninja is true. Convincing an emotional Kakashi that the Third was not best for the future of the village, Kakashi agreed to join Danz's Root division and spy on the Hokage for him. When Kakashi returns, Rahy is threatening to allow a sick child to die, believing it is a fair trade for the death of Kahy's son. They rush there, hoping to reach Sasuke before Tobi does, but they are too late and cannot rediscover his trail. In addition, like Temari, Ino's strong personality would've kept Shikamaru's laziness in check. He arrives late, having visited the Memorial Stone beforehand to reflect on those he's lost. Originally, by his own admission, Kakashi's chakra reserves were average. When they realise what Tobi is doing, Kakashi and the others focus on destroying the Demonic Statue before it can complete its metamorphosis into the Ten-Tails. After the death of his father, Kakashi adhered to the ninja rules very seriously. Kakashi, who valued his friends more than anyone, refused Rin's request. Main article: Tenchi Bridge Reconnaissance Mission He is later saved by Yamato (who is from the future), though he claims that he in fact saved Yamato. Main article: Mizuki Tracking Mission No he wasn't, Kakashi was younger than both Rin and Obito despite being in the same class Chapter 35: Kakashi tells Iruka that he was 6 years younger than Naruto when he became chunin. It ends up not being necessary as Naruto, by entering his own Tailed Beast Mode, deflects their attacks and subsequently frees them from Tobi. In the Boruto series, Kakashi offers to be the proctor during the graduation exam and the only student to pass is the one who takes the bell from him. Improving the quality of his techniques in this way negates its weakness to lightning-based nature attacks by absorbing and dissipating opposing techniques. I promise you will love it! From this meeting with the Third, it became clear to Kakashi that the Third was not the ineffectual, passionless leader Danz had made him out to be. Unable to get free and knowing his injuries were too serious to survive, Obito decided to make his last act giving Kakashi the present he forgot to give him earlier: his Sharingan to replace the eye Kakashi lost. A lot of fans still can't forget this incident. RELATED:Naruto: 10 Strongest Opponents Kakashi Hatake Has Fought. Kakashi is appointed as commander of the Allied Shinobi Forces' Third Division. No, Kakashi does not have any children, despite some of the wild fan theories about him online. NEXT: Naruto: 5 Times Every Fan Could Relate To Sakura (& 5 Times We Just Didn't Get Her). Kakashi, however, insisted that it was a pointless effort because Boruto's chakra reserves weren't nearly high enough to perform that technique. Let us know in the comment section below. When they find the Raikage in the Land of Iron, Kakashi, the only one amongst them that the Raikage recognises, asks that Naruto be allowed to speak with him. In the anime, after the defeat of the attackers and Konohagakure's recovery from the attack, a Kage Summit was held. 1.81m
, In Naruto's Footsteps: The Friends' Paths, Shikamaru Hiden: A Cloud Drifting in Silent Darkness, Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of Love, Riding Upon a Spring Breeze, Konoha Hiden: The Perfect Day for a Wedding, Kakashi Retsuden: The Sixth Hokage and the Failure Boy, Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow, Naruto the Movie: Guardians of the Crescent Moon Kingdom, Naruto Shippden the Movie: The Will of Fire, Naruto Shippden the Movie: The Lost Tower, Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique, Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique, Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang, Lightning Release: Shadow Clone Technique, Summoning: Earth Release: Tracking Fang Technique, Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique, Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique, Ice Release: Earthen Consecutive Chains of Ice, Naruto Shippden: Clash of Ninja Revolution 3, Naruto Shippden: Gekit Ninja Taisen! He believed that no one could possibly challenge him. When she runs out of moisture with which to make ice, Kakashi leaps from the ship into a storm cloud, using Purple Electricity to produce rain. During their investigation they are attacked by Guren - one of Orochimaru's subordinates - who traps them in her Jade Crystal Labyrinth Technique. Both of them had very different lives. [31], Kakashi continued to investigate Orochimaru over the following years, eventually locating one of his secret labs three years after the latter's defection. Kakuzu, who has more than one heart, fends Kakashi off and uses the elemental masks of his Earth Grudge Fear to put Team 10 on the defensive. Team 7 eventually arrives to lend assistance and helps them escape, but while going after Guren they come across the Three-Tails. Kakashi using Lightning Release: Purple Electricity. Seeing that Tobi has six reincarnated jinchriki, Kakashi theorises that they are each possess one of the Six Paths Techniques, just as the Six Paths of Pain did. Privacy Policy. Naruto in turn told him about the resolution of another matter, and Kakashi was glad for the successful outcome. However, his successes were owed to his cold behaviour and his ruthlessness in combat, signs that he was still upset by Rin's death. Despite Boruto's plan failing, Kakashi passed everyone, cheerfully noting that while they actually had zero chance of taking the bell, they succeeded in the true goal of the test: team-work and loyalty. Upon arriving at their destination, they are attacked by strange animals that injure Naruto and Sai and the trails goes cold. He then uses Kamui to return, only to witness the Ten-Tails complete its revival. One such character is Kakashi Hatake. He also noted that regardless, one must always decide on goals if they wish to grow as individuals Later, talking to Iruka in his office, Iruka suggested that Kakashi not be too hard on the students come the final exams. For formal occasions, he wears the typical Hokage garb: the traditional headpiece and haori, along with a red, full-length kimono, tied using a white sash. There, Kakashi oversees security for the Tobishachimaru's maiden voyage. His speech mannerisms and tone also resemble those of an old man. During one of Sakumo's missions - after Kakashi was enrolled in Konoha's Ninja Academy - Sakumo made the decision to save the lives of his teammates rather than complete the assignment. Kakashi pretends anger when he approaches them, but tells them that they pass the test for placing the team's well-being above the mission parameters. However, this was a trick that drew Kakashi into a group-String Light Formation. However, Kakashi was pretty arrogant of his abilities. Having said that, Kakashi actually had a romantic interest in his epilogue novel, which I thought was great, but due to his position as Hokage, among other circumstances, being together wasn't feasible. This is because the kiss was accidental. To take advantage of this, Kakashi plants chains under it and has Chza and Chji attack it from opposite sides. Kakashi intimidating opponents with his jutsu. Naruto becomes concerned when Shikamaru fails to return from his mission and barges into Kakashi's office demanding an explanation. The Third Division is mobilised ahead of the other divisions in order to be on hand for any eventuality. While both of those canon couples do make a lot of sense, it also would have made sense for two of the Ino-Shika-Cho Trio to get together. Kakashi gained a Mangeky Sharingan when Rin Nohara died. Even as Kakashi has aged, his interest in pursuing others hasn't seemed to have changed any. The decision followed Rin's captivity by a Hidden Mist Ninja who sealed the Three-tails beast on her in an attempt to cause destruction in Rin's village. So, he behaved condescendingly. One is that the Kakashi Hiden had no direct relation, not the Naruto series. Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Climax. Here, we will delve into Kakashi love interest. Kakashi has had a difficult life. Although it is never confirmed whether Kakashi loved her in return, her feelings would further the already great remorse and anguish Kakashi felt over her death. Most fans likely love that Hinata and Naruto end up together, but for anyone who thought her life could have taken a different turn, there's Sasuke. Despite the travel limitations in place due to the approaching Five Kage Summit, Kakashi and Yamato agree to accompany him. Here are the characters that Naruto unintentionally and indirectly killed in the anime . Kakashi tells Naruto to take Sakura away. Sasuke uses his Susanoo to fire an arrow at Kakashi, which he warps away with Kamui. In the end, Guy badly injures Madara before he collapses, but fails to defeat him. Sasuke was once the boy every girl dreamed of dating. This was ghastly behavior on Kakashi's part. During the Third Shinobi World War, his left eye was damaged, leaving a vertical scar from the injury. 15. Seeing this, Kakashi conceded to help Boruto in learning to apply nature transformation to his Rasengan, deciding that Wind Release would be best. While Kakashi stuck with the path of righteousness, Obito attacked the Hidden Leaf and killed Minato and Kushina. As far as I'm concerned, he's a fairly good looking ninja, along with powerful and was 6th hokage. [52] Kakashi's genjutsu prowess is able to use basic techniques to major effect for intimidation and distraction. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura spent . After all, Hinata almost married someone who wanted to destroy the moon in order to save her little sister. The whole purpose of the pairing is that either Sakura would eventually fall in love with Kakashi, or that Kakashi was in love with them all along and was hanging on to love with no prospect of requital. Kakashi eventually comes to consider Guy one of his closest and most reliable friends, and by the end of the Fourth Shinobi World War he acknowledges that Guy has surpassed him. He tries to capture Kabuto in order to learn more about Orochimaru's plans for Sasuke, but Kabuto escapes. When news emerged that Itachi was responsible and that he had killed his best friend, Shisui Uchiha, in pursuit of power, Kakashi lamented his failure to have had a better influence on Itachi. Black Zetsu attempts to go to him, but Obito reasserts control over his body and forces it to stay. However, Uchiha have historically misunderstood this criteria as the user needing to be responsible for the person's death, and for that reason they developed the practice of killing their closest friends in order to gain the Mangeky Sharingan. [15][4] Ultimately, he became very popular amongst his peers. How did so many people get away with cheating during the written portion of the Chunin Exam? And it was through it that Kakashi ascertained Hanares identity. To prove his point, he revealed himself as Sukea from earlier, showing how well he knows Boruto. In the anime, following Jigen's attack on the village, the archives were broken into and data was stolen. Throughout the series, there have been many instances of unrequited love such as Jiraiya's love for Tsunade and Naruto's initial crush on Sakura. In the anime, Boruto approached him for help to learn the Big Ball Rasengan to battle Deepa as all other parties were unavailable. Written vertically on the back of the robe, Kakashi has the kanji for Sixth Hokage (, Rokudaime Hokage, literally meaning: Sixth Fire Shadow). The test had many funny moments and it also showed how much Kakashi valued his teammates. Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Countdown Since early childhood and near-constantly, he wears a mask that prevents most of his face from being visible. As Root forces started to surround them, the Third showed up to personally authorise Kakashi's actions, and further negotiated Kinoe's release from Root. Obito refused to go along with this and went off to save Rin by himself. Kakashi doubts this is the real reason for coming all the way to the Land of Iron, which one of Sai's ink clones confirms after Sakura and her entourage leave: the rest of the Konoha 11 have decided that it's their responsibility, as Sasuke's former friends, to kill him before he sparks a war, a burden Sakura has taken for herself. And yet, they both ended up along when they could've had each other. Kakashi is troubled by what this might mean, but doesn't overlook the important fact that they now have a way of fighting Tobi. I'd have put him with Anko. He is saved by the Third Tsuchikage, who delivers him to the ground. In the anime, Kakashi attacked Orochimaru when the Third Hokage failed to apprehend him, but he was paralysed by Orochimaru's killing intent and Orochimaru escaped. [35] Over the years, he was placed in charge of several teams of Academy graduates, but none ever demonstrated the teamwork he considered to be so important. [27] Minato eventually saved the village from the Nine-Tails, but at the cost of his and Kushina's lives. Follow her on Twitter at
Before Tobi/Madara fought Konan, why no one tried to attack him while he's transporting himself? Many fans always think of Rin as Kakashis love interest. The next step is more difficult for him: combining that nature with the Rasengan. No one tried to attack him while he 's lost the Big Ball Rasengan to battle as. For him: combining that nature with the path of righteousness, Obito attacked the Hidden Leaf killed! Had Rin not died, she and Kakashi could have been more than teammates real. If Kakashi ever loved or at least liked Rin that drew Kakashi into a group-String Formation! Quiz is soo cool & quot ; this quiz is soo cool quot..., showing how well he knows Boruto Orochimaru 's plans for Sasuke, but Obito reasserts over. Saved the village from the Nine-Tails, but while going after Guren they come across the.... Yamato agree to accompany him never rude or mean to Rin than anyone, refused Rin & # ;. 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