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"Washtenaw County judge announces early retirement," May 1, 2014; Armstrong took the most votes followed by Barr. I also have a significant federal court practice - critical because Michigan this year adopted the federal court rules. Helped 1000+ attorneys, small businesses and non-profits survive COVID. Public policy. ANN ARBOR, MI - Three legal minds are on the August primary ballot vying to be Washtenaw County's next new trial court judge, but only two can progress to the November general election. I have helped almost 1500 workers with unemployment matters in the last year. Specialty courts make a difference; diversion and deflection should be a priority. Securing 40,729 votes during the Nov. 8 general election, Barr defeated fellow Washtenaw County attorney Fawn Armstrong, who garnered 29,852 votes. 100% remote. Be an informed voter.View the elections you will be voting in with this sample ballot lookup tool. Shut down an environmental polluter in Washtenaw. To learn more about judicial selection in Michigan, click here. I will follow those factors and rules when deciding cases that come before me. padding-top: 0; | I created the City of Ypsilantis Administrative Hearings Bureau. text-align: center; MLive/The Ann Arbor News partnered with the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of Michigan to provide candidate information for readers. I am most thankful for helping thousands, throughout my career, to put their legal problems behind them with some measure of justice. [3] The elections for this court are nonpartisan contested elections. To serve on this court, a judge must be a qualified elector of the district, licensed to practice law in the state, under the age of 70, and have five years of experience practicing law. About the Honorable Carol Kuhnke. 1.0 1.1 Michigan Courts, "Washtenaw County," accessed July 11, 2014; State legislature | The League never supports or opposes any candidates or political parties. Apply today! MLive Media Group has partnered with the League of Women Voters of Michigan to provide candidate information and other voting resources to readers ahead of 2020 elections. My diverse educational background and my extensive professional experiences will provide that for all parties involved. Candidates in this contest and votes received: Julia B. Owdziej (54.0%), Tracy Van den Bergh (45.4%), All Other Votes (0.6%), Total Votes Cast (0.0%), and Total Ballots Cast (0.0%). The list of candidates to become the next 14-A district Judge has been narrowed from four to two. I was a struggling single mother for years, and I understand what its like to live paycheck to paycheck. Do they reside with the victim, and if so, what changes (if any) need to be made to keep the victim safe? Richelew: Judges do not get to pick the issues they confront. Ive rolled up my sleeves on expungement and road to restoration efforts. 2023 Advance Local Media LLC. Armstrong: I believe that Judges have not just the responsibility, but the opportunity to reach out and help the people of their community. As judge, I would have more compassion for people struggling to pay fines and seek to waive fines or order community service in lieu of fines. Our courts must demonstrate this not only through our actions, but by a relentless focus on transparency so that the people we serve have confidence in what we do. The benefits of settling cases has been recognized by Abraham Lincoln, Clarence Darrow, and even Jesus (Luke 12:57-59). Any registered voter in Washtenaw County can vote for Arianne, including: City of Ann Arbor. .sample-ballot-mobile-promo, .mobile-app-cta { Michigan is one of 43 states that hold elections for judicial positions. Furthermore, diversity in representation of lawyers, judges, and other officials helps to build trust. Michigan is one of 43 states that hold elections for judicial positions. County and Local . Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. My extensive family court expertise in high-conflict cases--particularly those involving domestic violence, addiction, and mental health elements--has earned me more judicial endorsements than any other candidate. Served my community, with now-Justice Welch, helping 1000+ workers with their COVID and unemployment rights. U.S. President | Often the victims of crime are poor, suffer from drug addiction, have some type of mental illness, suffer from past trauma or have a disability. I started our Countys first ever Criminal Diversion Program, moving people out of the system by helping them address the root causes of justice involvement. It is important to determine credibility of witnesses and evidence, to determine if any evidence presented has been corroborated, and to determine how that evidence fits the facts of the case and the elements by your common sense. @media screen and (min-width: 550px) { text-decoration: none; If you purchase a product or register for an account through one of the links on our site, we may receive compensation. Read more Washtenaw County election coverage here. Judges must have the experience, demeanor, and desire to get from behind the bench to sit with the parties, roll up their sleeves, and help them resolve cases. Incumbents win reelection to Ypsilanti School Board, Saline Area Schools voters pass $180 million bond, Early Washtenaw County election results show some winners and close races. Barr defeated Fawn Armstrong of Saline. Jeff Blake. Past President of Women Lawyers Association of Michigan and Washtenaw (WLAM). What is your general judicial philosophy? As a judge, I believe it is important to treat litigants who appear before you with respect. Appeals from the Eastern District go to the United States Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit. On the Aug. 4 ballot is Amy Reiser, Nick Roumel and Tracy E. Van den Bergh, who are seeking the seat being vacated by Judge David Swartz. Collis is a Washtenaw County attorney with more than 25 years of litigating cases. Reiser: My career as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney has involved representing victims of some very horrific crimes, many of these victims are children who have been abused and adults who have been marginalized by society. I will aim to foster justice and healing within the purview of the law, and build trust in our justice system from all members of our community, no matter their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation. The courts must be part of the conversation about new ways of doing things. Hon. Slay: The biggest goal we can achieve is to build trust in a broken system. The Washtenaw County Democratic Party is hosting an online panel for candidates for the non-partisan and currently vacant District Court position in District 14A, which includes the Manchester area and will appear on Manchester area general election ballots in November. The current jury system disenfranchises low-income citizens, the elderly, and those who are not technologically savvy. color: #0B406A; I am statewide leader in attorney training, I have centered my approach around restorative justice and trauma-informed proceedings in order to build trust in a historically discriminatory court system. background: grey; State executives | } Incumbent Miriam Perry was unopposed in her bid for another six-year term on the 15th District Court Bench. Judge Profiles Trial Court judges are elected for terms of six years in non-partisan elections. Building trust in our justice system is a priority. Karl Barr was elected to be the next 14A District Court Judge, Nov. 8, 2022. (1) I will implement safeguards to ensure that all information relevant to a case is before the court so that litigants, whether represented by counsel, or in self-represented, are treated fairly to prevent erroneous outcomes. The purpose of this guide is to give general, nonpartisan information about what will be on the ballot and who the candidates are in nonpartisan races (judges and school boards). The seat covers all district court matters for Washtenaw County except for the city of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Township. What are your goals should you be elected and how will you work to accomplish them? My training and experience with citizens, law enforcement, and various community agencies, such as SafeHouse Center and Community Mental Health, has fostered my inherent sense of justice and fairness. font-weight: 600; I am licensed in Michigan, New York and Illinois, as well as the US District Courts for the Eastern and Western Districts of Michigan, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, and the US Tax Court. The common thread in these cases is that they require a judge who can compassionately manage families and individuals in crisis while still remaining objective and impartial. My litigation background has also taught me that needlessly prolonged litigation is not an ideal way to solve problems. MLive.com File Photo.MLive.com File Photo. What in your education and experience make you the best qualified candidate for this position? Select an upcoming election date, if there is more than one coming up in your area. Related: Election results for the Nov. 8 general election in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County. Collis: Its important to me that those who find themselves in court receive fair, compassionate, and equitable treatment. Fawn Armstrong and Karl Barr were the top two vote-getters in the non-partisan primary Tuesday, meaning they will run-off against one another in the general election. To do this, I would utilize my experience leading community organizations to forge partnerships with local and state stakeholders to help develop a plan of action to make offenders in my court less likely to return to crime and more likely to evolve into productive members of society. If there are more than twice the number of candidates than there are judgeships up for election, the race will appear on the primary election ballot. Spelling and grammar were not corrected. display: block; Roumel: Courts cannot decide cases in isolation. People here are also concerned about gun violence and drugs, which needs to be taken seriously to ensure that people feel safe. Slay: I will be a judge that our community can depend on to not only follow the law, but to do so in a way that shows respect for all involved. Elections | Washtenaw County, MI Home Your Government Departments A-H Clerk / Register of Deeds Elections Elections 2023 Election Information May 2, 2023 Special Election Calendar of Dates Unofficial List of Proposals - May 2, 2023 2024 Election Information August 6, 2024 Primary Election Unofficial List of Candidates - August 6, 2024 Every defendant has the right to a jury of their peers, which means that a jury needs to reflect the make-up of the community. My decisions will be well reasoned, researched, and made in a timely and respectful manner. Van den Bergh: Consistent with the Michigan Supreme Court initiative to develop family law expertise on the bench, the new Washtenaw County Circuit Court judge will handle a domestic docket. Information on other state, county and local primary races can be found at Vote411.org. Ballot measures, Who represents me? Barr is an assistant city attorney for Ypsilanti and private attorney for more than 22 years. Feaster: There are numerous factors I consider before deciding case such as: Relative circumstances of the defendant, Damage to the victim or plaintiff Best interest of community. Both Richelew and Slay were seeking election this November following Judge Archie Brown's retirement. Michigan General Election Results for Washtenaw County Circuit, District Court Judges (22nd Circuit, 14B District) on Nov. 3, 2020 Decision 2020. Judge Washington is the Chief Judge of the 14B District Court and presides over Landlord-Tenant, Criminal, and General Civil matters, while managing the Recovery and Human Trafficking Court and a Domestic Violence specialty docket. | As to matters of procedure, I will be guided by the Michigan Court rules. Federal courts | .mobile-app-cta:hover { Community Rules apply to all content you upload or otherwise submit to this site. padding: 5px 10px 5px 10px; As your Circuit Judge I will: Devote the time and effort to ensure every person coming into my courtroom knows their individual circumstances count. And Ill work to increase the availability and accessibility of these tools in Washtenaw. The top two vote-getters will go on to compete in the November general election. Each candidate was asked to outline their stances on a variety of public policy issues listed below. What are your goals should you be elected and how will you work to accomplish them? They have the right to an attorney, and the right to remain silent. I also have a decade of experience in psychology, crisis intervention, and education to better serve clients who have suffered trauma. Skyline PTSO President. | I will run my caseload effectively, and I will take the time to listen to the facts of every case. 2014 Nov 4 :: General Election :: Judge of Probate Court :: Washtenaw County. School districts | Information on other state, county and local primary races can be found at Vote411.org. Peacekeeping, restorative justice, and other forms of alternative dispute can also be valuable tools to help parties find their own justice. color: white; Van den Bergh: I take pride in my extensive litigation experience and use of my MSW to benefit vulnerable clients. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. Elected by Washtenaw attorneys as their Representative to State Bar of Michigan (SBM) Representative Assembly. This will not happen overnight, it will not be easy, and it will certainly take multiple changes to our laws and practices to allow it to take place. My dedication to justice, fairness and respect will be my guiding philosophy on the bench. During my time spent assigned to District Court, 14A-2 was where I spent the majority of my time. But first, make sure your voice is heard on election day! padding-top: 80px; [1] He was re-elected in 2000, 2004, 2010, and 2016. Richelew: Courts are here to serve the people. My greatest pride is giving these victims a voice. I will look at each case individually. I have a comprehensive career as a leading trial attorney and am prepared to decide cases across all areas of law - on day one. Your individual circumstances will be considered. My court will be fair, impartial and compassionate. WASHTENAW COUNTY, MI Two Washtenaw County attorneys are vying for a chance to be the next Washtenaw County Trial Court judge in the upcoming general election in November. We must make the courts accessible to all, not only literally (including technological and virtual means) but by removing barriers to justice that make too many feel their voices wont be heard. In 2021, the program was expanded to help persons with mental health diagnoses, substance abuse disorders, lack of housing, and other needs. Skip to Main Content. 2008 Nov 4 :: General Election :: Appellate Court Judge Partial Term :: Judicial District 3. . Biography. The people of Washtenaw County are served by the Michigan Third District Court of Appeals, a circuit court, district court, and probate court. SBM Diversity Advisor. I will increase protections for domestic violence survivors during hearings and I plan to develop a child support specialty court to increase compliance with child support payments and stabilize employment for payers. My record of community service is second to none. Enter your email if you would like to receive Ballotpedia's election news updates in your inbox. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. I believe that listening is critical to being fair and compassionate, which helps to ensure that justice is served. Time is valuable, and I know it is a stressful experience to come to court. All rights reserved (About Us). I resigned in 2017 to try to make a change. What are the priority issues facing this court, and how would you address them if elected? I created the City of Flints Blight Court and served as its Judge. This may include specialized ways of handling mental health, domestic aggression, and sobriety cases. Collis: The priority issues facing this court primarily involve the length of time it takes for cases to be resolved and its lack of specialty courts, which would benefit participants and would also alleviate the case load on the judiciary. Using these elements as guides, I would administer sentences and rulings that provide relief to all parties and contribute to the betterment of our communities. We need to have judges who will fight the status quo. Van den Bergh: Depending on the legal issue, the law requires judges to consider certain factors before deciding a case. In general, the circuit court handles all civil cases with claims of more than $25,000 and all felony criminal cases. I will do that by trying to be a different kind of judge. Being a Judge is an amazing opportunity to make a difference in peoples lives, and sometimes it just takes one person to believe in you for you to believe in yourself. It is one of 105 district courts in Michigan. letter-spacing: 1.24px; I will be ethical and honest. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Roumel: Having practiced 36 years, I am the only candidate with extensive experience in family, civil, and criminal law, and the only one to have conducted civil and criminal jury trials. width: 300px; In the nonpartisan primary, the two candidates who receive the greatest number of votes advance to the general election. Interns wanted: Get paid to help ensure that every voter has unbiased election information. . In the Army I was taught to never seek a promotion if you were not prepared to lead. I am a frequent guest lecturer from elementary through law school. I am currently the senior partner at Collis, Griffor & Hendra, PC in Ypsilanti. Ballotpedia regularly tests our sample ballot's accuracy by looking up addresses on both it and the official sample ballot and comparing the lookup results from both tools. @media only screen and (max-width: 500px) { Alex Murdaugh could face life in prison if he's convicted for the double murders of his wife and son. Slay is currently a Deputy Ann Arbor City Attorney. Judges of the Michigan District Courts are each elected to six-year terms. I graduated from Northern Michigan University and MSU College of Law. This opens communication about procedural and community issues so everyone involved in these important roles can work together in a collaborative way, the community is best protected and their concerns be heard. Roumel: There is a science and art to deciding cases. } /. Justice delayed by COVID is still justice denied. Most importantly, I will listen, with kindness, respect, and patience. All rights reserved (About Us). Use my expertise in civil rights to identify and eliminate unnecessary hurdles and inequities faced by so many, in civil and criminal cases alike, and work to build trust in the legal system. MLive/The Ann Arbor News partnered with the nonpartisan League of Women Voters of Michigan to provide candidate information for readers. Honorable Patrick J. Conlin What in your education and experience makes you the best qualified candidate for this position? If there are more than twice the number of candidates than there are judgeships up for election, the race will appear on the primary election ballot. All rights reserved (About Us). We strive for our sample ballot tool to be 100% accurate. color: white; Richelew: I help people every day. As to matters of fact, I will diligently hear and review all admissible information and reserve judgment according to the standards set forth in the law. I have handled divorces, felonies, business disputes, wrongful death, employment cases, and negligence. I worked at the William Booth Legal Aid Clinic in Detroit providing assistance to residents of the Salvation Army Harbor Light Center. In the family court, mediation is an important settlement process as it helps parties resolve their case in an environment better suited toward resolution for all. Richelew is a Representative Assembly Member for Washtenaw Countys 22nd Circuit of the State Bar of Michigan, a Washtenaw County Prosecutors Corporate Crimes Taskforce member and member of multiple other state court committees. }. By Bill Chappell , Victoria Hansen. I served on the ACLU and NAACP Lawyers Committees, and was twice elected to the Ann Arbor School Board. } Arianne Elizabeth Slay was elected to become the Ann Arbor Circuit Court Judge, receiving 70.6% of the vote, with Marla Linderman Richelew receiving 28.91% of the vote. I have defended the City of Ypsilantis Human Rights Ordinance. Your voice will be heard. Slay: 1. My specializations include commercial law, criminal defense, traffic, mediation, and family/divorce. It also wont be rushed. Make your donation to WEMU todayto keep your community NPR station thriving. I have argued well over a dozen cases before the Michigan Court of Appeals and MI Supreme Court, including establishing new law in a family law decision. Spelling and grammar were not corrected. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. display: none; The candidates running for the six-year judicial position are Fawn Armstrong, Karl Barr, Stuart Collis and Torchio Feaster. This county is outside of that coverage scope and does not receive scheduled updates. Armstrong: I plan to enact criminal justice reform measures focusing on rehabilitation over incarceration and individualized treatment to reach the core issue or trauma in order to reduce recidivism. Van den Bergh: My goal is to further equal access to justice using a number of devices. To serve on this court, a judge must be a qualified elector of the district, licensed to practice law in the state, under the age of 70, and have five years of experience practicing law. The following is a little nonpartisan voter guide that I compiled, based on the ballot for Ann Arbor. View 14B District Court Proceedings: Judge Erane C. Washington Search 14B District Court 14B District Court #contentwrapper { All responses in the voter guide were submitted directly by the candidate and have not been edited by the League of Women Voters, except for a necessary cut if a reply exceeded character limitations. The Judge is the protector of a persons constitutional rights. If you would like to help our coverage scope grow, consider donating to Ballotpedia. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). Barr is an assistant city attorney for Ypsilanti and private attorney for more than 22 years. If you are a user of our Sample Ballot, and you are experiencing problems using it or notice any accuracy issue of any kind at all, it would be a huge help to our future readers and users if you would send us a note telling us about the problem. I will also recognize that we are all human beings and sometimes we don't make the best choices, sometimes people with good intentions make bad choices and I will recognize that and take that into account when deciding cases. I am not afraid of hard work. } Reiser: While I respect precedent and will look to statutes and case law for guidance, I am not a strict constructionist. We must alleviate time (and, consequently financial) stressors for participants while at the same time decreasing the publics tax burden by enacting a shorter and better managed judicial calendar. What factors would you bring to bear in deciding a case? Also, their experiences with our judiciary should not be unduly burdensome. The League never supports or opposes any candidates or political parties. When you come to my courtroom, youll feel welcome, knowing that I will listen attentively to all your concerns. I am the only candidate that grew up and attended the school system within the 14A2 District Court-- I attended Perry School, Fletcher Elementary, West Middle School and Ypsilanti High School. Main article: Michigan intermediate appellate court elections, 2020 Judges with expiring terms This is a list of the justices who had to stand for nonpartisan election in 2020 in order to remain on the bench. The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan has jurisdiction in Washtenaw County. Richelew: Washtenaw has one of the best Circuit Courts in Michigan, yet we must overcome the backlog in our civil, criminal, family, business, juvenile and probate dockets due to COVID. | YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. With nearly two decades of vast experience in practiced criminal, landlord-tenant, and civil law Im well versed and capable of handling the various laws a District Court Judge would preside over. With regards to recidivism, I plan to enact specialty courts to treat the true cause of the individuals problems. I believe that people have more in common than we sometimes realize. Barr: I believe in the Constitution and the Rule of Law. 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