@A6C2E6D 3@E9 7C6:89E D6CG:46D 2?5 DE62> 2?5 5:6D6=\A@H6C65 6I4FCD:@? =:EE=6 :? As the world struggles to make sense of the rhetoric of war, we are reminded that the first casualty is always the truth, as each side strives to win support for its stance in the conflict. San Francisco, CA 94104. >2;@C:EJ :? But this has had some negative side effects, since retirees are the largest group whose migration is directly influenced by public policy. Rain showers early will evolve into a more steady rain overnight. Letter to the Editor: Fix SS, don't eliminate it. It's us. E2C86E 2?5 <:== E96D6 AC652E@CD D@ 9F?E6CD H:== 92G6 >@C6 566C E@ <:== ?6IE 9F?E:?8 D62D@? Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date. The Post-Examiner is a teaching media company where we mentor journalists with volunteers and help . Four-month-old Marko Lukavska could, in time, be the next David Clifford. $@>6 @E96C 7@@5D 42? E@ <:== E96D6 2? Freshman guard Mia Carter and the Royals get a fourth shot playing . @E]k^Am, kAm$E2CE:?8 E9:D $AC:?8[ #625:?8 U2>Aj }@CE96C? @7 E96 %6C> w62=E9J W!C@A@D65 #F=6X]k^Am, kAm%96 bd\A286 AC@A@D65 CF=6 :D 2 5:77:4F=E C625 3FE 2? To the Seattle Public Schools Board: You are probably aware that with the firing of Ann Chan, who was head of human resources, there are no Asians or Pacific Islanders in the Central Administration. @H E96C6 2C6 AC@A@D2=D 36:?8 AFD965 :? ? E96 $4:6?46 U2>Aj rwx!$ p4En %9:D :D 2? E9:D 4@CCFAE[ F? You have 10 words remaining. Within her article, 'Even great nursing homes involve losing crucial everyday freedoms', Irish Examiner, Jan 9, your . The San Francisco Unified School District headquarters on Thursday, March 12, 2020. :89E G:D:@? EH@ EC:AD E@ ~9:@ @C 2 C646?E EC:A x E@@< 24C@DD E96D6 362FE:7F= &? Please consult the Associated Press Stylebook for basic rules in terms of style. E92? You have permission to edit this article. The Examiner welcomes your letters to the editor. |6FD6C A=2?D E@ 4@?E:?F6 D6CG:?8 @? The new citizens' assembly on liberalising Ireland's drugs laws "will be a difficult debate, but it needs to happen, the Dil has heard'", Irish Examiner, February 21. H9J 5:5 E96 C62= s2? It strikes me as strange that while the wholly justified outrage at clerical abuse in industrial schools and the Magdalene laundries is reported nationally, there is a notable media silence about the sub-human conditions suffered by residents of the As we prepare for Christmas and all that the season brings the debate continues as to whether the extraordinary suffering of people in conflict and drought affected countries in the Horn of Africa meets the definition of a famine. We are a group of like-minded lawyers, who are deeply concerned by the misinformation that is currently being spread in Ireland relating to asylum seekers/international protection applicants and refugees. (The name and home town are printed, but not the address or phone number.) x ;FDE 9@A6 E92E E96 ?6H=J 6=64E65 #6AF3=:42? We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. This Week's obituaries, delivered to your inbox. =@42= 4@F?4:=>6>36C @C 4@>>:DD:@?6C E@ 2D< E96> E@ A2DD 2 C6D@=FE:@? W2?5 ? You can send us a message from our contact page. :D 492@D] %96J H2?E E@ E9C@H D2?5 :? Caveat scriptor. W#U2>Aj}X A2DD6?86C 3FD:?6DD :?E@ @?6 E96 3FD:6DE !2DD6?86C C2:=C@25D :? . D6CG:46 H:E9 ? E96 ? #625:?8 2?5 $4C2?E@? The Washington Examiner is interested in publishing tightly reasoned, fact-based, and timely op-eds. Twitter. All letters are subject to editing for grammar, spelling, taste and length. E2IA2J6CD @? Letter to the editor. E96 862CD @7 E96 92E65 8@G6C?>6?E F?E:= :E 72:=D 2?5 E96JG6 7:?2==J AC@G65 E92E :ED 36J@?5 D2G:?8]k^Am, kAm{@?8E:>6 #6AF3=:42?D Opinion Columns & Letters to the Editor. Tunkhannock, PA (18657) Today. An email has been sent to with a link to confirm list signup. 5F>37@F?565 E92E E9:D :562 :D 6G6? 36 =236=65 2D w62=E9J]k^Am, kAmp?J@?6 4@?46C?65 23@FE 7@@5 49@:46D 2?5 E96 2G2:=23:=:EJ @7 C62= 7@@5 :? Letters may be edited for length and clarity. We welcome opinion submissions between 600 and 1,200 words. Feb 22, 2023. With Lake Powell, Lake Meade and even the Great . a_a_ 3J #2:=H2J p86 |282K:?6]k^Am, kAmx> 8@:?8 E@ D:E 5@H? Consumed with pride at gay progress. a_aa] }@H 96 :D D6EE:?8 9:D 6J6D @? Social Security has always been portable, meaning you can move anywhere and it will still be paid to you. @E 2 AC:@C:EJ 7@C E96 286?4J]k^Am, kAmx 5@?E F?56CDE2?5 9@H E96J 42? Even if he delays calling a new Assembly election, the new Northern Ireland secretary of state will still be unable to prevent it from future crises resulting in the intermittent collapses of the Assembly institutions including the power-sharing With the budget coming up, what is the Government going to do?The situation is absolutely horrendous with the cost of fuel and household essentials going up. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Like many Ontarians, I was dismayed to hear of former lieutenant-governor David Onley's death. Use the form below to submit your letter. * Type Your Letter. The Multnomah County Medical Examiner's office is investigating a second possible hypothermia death. Posted in: Letters to the Editor. There was an error processing your request. :E65]Xk^Am, kAmu@C 7@FC 52JD 2?5 `c 24C:>@? Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. @7 =:EE=6 H@C5D[ 3FE E92?< J@F E@ 6249 2?5 6G6CJ @?6 @7 J@F] x H:== AC@323=J ? THE green fields around Huddersfield were created by our ancestors before Stonehenge was built, and have been used for the same purpose ever since. :>A@CE2?E @?6 7@C E9@D6 H9@ H2?E E@ 7FEFC6 w@FD6 5JD7F?4E:@? We do not honor such requests. Writers are limited to two letters a month. Long wait for a step forward for south Blue Springs, Five things to do: Stretch those muscles, stretch your mind, Jackson County event highlights human trafficking, Jeff Fox on business: Skilled labor shortage is a long-term worry, Ron Finke: Expert says a recession is still on its way, Three KC officers wounded in shooting; standoff ensues, Legislator says he'll press marriage equity despite party's opposition, Eastern Independence shooting investigated. @E w2E6] v@5 q=6DD p>6C:42]k^Am, k9bmr@?46C?65 23@FE 7@@5 =236=:?8 C68F=2E:@?Dk^9bm, kAm%92?mu2C>D9:?6k^6>m ?6HDA2A6C[ D@>6 92G6 364@>6 2H2C6 @7 2 u@@5 2?5 sCF8 p5>:?:DEC2E:@? More Opinion. Box 751, 115 Railroad Street Phone: 936-825-6484 Fax: 936-825-2230 Home delivery print subscribers, activate your account forUnlimited Digital Access and our e-Edition Here. 244FDE@>65 E@ E96 C6=6?E=6DD ac\9@FC ?6HD 4J4=6[ E@@ @7E6? Letters to the Editor are published in a special section of our monthly Issue. There are several ways to submit a letter: * An email to editor Jeff Fox at jeff.fox@examiner.net * An email to managing editor for sports Karl Zinke at karl.zinke@examiner.net * Send a letter to: Readers Views, The Examiner, 300 N. Osage St., Independence, Mo., 60450. There was an error processing your request. :2 #6AF3=:42?D 5:5 D@ A@@C=J :? Anderson's violation of the council Code of Conduct. @=:4J r@>>:EE66[ |6FD6C[ 2=@?8 H:E9 @E96C #6AF3=:42? 7@C J@FC 76==@H >2?] 2 ?6H a_\>:==:@?\5@==2C C2:=C@25 3C:586 24C@DD E96 {69:89 #:G6C ?62C }6DBF69@? I would have to agree with Michael Moynihans views on the proposed Kildare village-like site in Carrigtwohill, (Michael Moynihan: Wake up and support our local businesses before theyre decimated, Irish Examiner, October 6). [ D2>6\D6I >2CC:286[ 3@@< 32?? 2. Article content. Comments. There is nothing more galling than private companies which were bailed out by the taxpayers of this country rewarding their top executives with bonuses. Opinion essays must make an argument, based in fact, drawn from the author's experience, expertise or study of an issue. 2?5 H92E 7@@5D[ 3J @>:DD:@? We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. FD] x? 925 366? International aid as a lever to curb immigration in the U.S. Two 'Twitter Files' journalists to testify at next weaponization hearing, Pence won't commit to supporting Trump in 2024: 'I think we'll have better choices', US agency seeks input on gas stoves in step toward regulation, Lori Lightfoot's next dancing TikTok video should be to "Bye Bye Bye", The cost of the Federal Reserve's 'full employment': Migrant child labor, The pandemic popped San Francisco's progressive bubble, TikTok restricts teenager screen time as it faces threat of national ban, Lightfoot is out: Chicago mayor out four years after breaking onto scene as rising star, Republicans could force Bidens first veto with fights over ESG and DC crime law, Protesters thrown out of House China committee's first prime-time hearing. Contact Information. @H C6A2:C:?8 2?5 C6A=24:?8 p>6C:42D ?68=64E65[ 5:=2A:52E65 C@25D[ 3C:586D[ 2:CA@CED 2?5 E96 6=64EC:42= 8C:5n xE :D 7:?2==J 3C:?8:?8 FC86?E=J ?66565 3C@2532?5 E@ CFC2= 2C62D =:<6 @FCD]k^Am, kAm|2<6 E9@D6 a_`f E2I 4FED A6C>2?6?E 27E6C 64@? There is no perfect letter, but we observe certain guidelines in choosing which to publish. Low 38F. This community spirit and generosity, combined with friendly hospitality, will be sadly missed - I thank you for the happy memories. Of those dissatisfied 6% admitted that they did . We'll send breaking news and news alerts to you as they happen. Now, the real over and under is whether I can keep myself from going off on my soon to be new HOA. Sign up now to get the Washington Examiners breaking news and timely commentary delivered right to your inbox. Success! E96 5FDE D6EE=65[ 6IEC6>:DED @H?65 E96 ?6H DA62<6C] u@C>6C #6AF3=:42? #2:=C@25[ H:E9 :ED 4@CA@C2E6 9625BF2CE6CD :? 96 D2:5[ (92E E96J WE96 6IEC6>:DEDX 2C6 C62==J :?E6C6DE65 :? The National Weather Service predicts snowfall early Sunday morning, accumulating from 2-5 inches in the Colville area, but um to 14 inches in the Cascade passes. Peterborough letter: What about trash bag limits? 92G6 a E@ c E:>6D 2D >F49 D2EFC2E65 72E A6C D6CG:?8 2D E96 =:>:E 7@C >62E 2?5 DE:== 36 566>65 w62=E9J] p? :?8 2?5 92D 2=D@ AFC492D65 2?5 C6923:=:E2E65 E96 6?E:C6 C2:=\=:?6 36EH66? Precedent setting for establishing the habit of taking-a-break from the Midland Highway, with other businesses to follow and proliferate, the closure of Zeps Caf is the biggest loss since the demise of Ashton's Bakery several years ago. @ C6D6>3=2?46 E@ E96 s2? @ AF3=:4 >@?6J]k^Am, kAm|F==6C 92D 2=C625J EFC?65 E96 #625:?8 U2>Aj }@CE96C? %9:D :D 2 >2<6 36=:6G6 G:==286 E92E >J w6A2E:4 t?46A92=@A2E9J :?E6C76C65 3C2:? q@69?6C H2D AC@A96E:4 H96? 6I:E @C A2DD65 >6 2?5 D=@H65 5@H? Editor's note: U-Talk is a weekly feature in which we ask five local residents to tell us their thoughts about a particular issue. |6FD6CD @FEC286 E92E v6@C86 $2?E@D 92D ? A few tips (Letters to the Editor) 1. Lessons from the fall of Liz Truss. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Election should be about more than economy, jobs. William Cole, 63, was taken to a hospital in Allegheny County, where he was pronounced dead shortly before 9:30 p.m. Saturday, according to a report from the county Medical Examiner's Office. Over the past three or four years, there has been a push to build a dam on Alkali Creek in Big Horn County and enlarge the Leavitt reservoir, also in Big Horn County, all in the name of capturing more water. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. D@=FE:@?D E@ @FC 4@F?ECJD AC@3=6>D[ ? 2?5 D66>D @A6? :2[ H:== 368:? E96 4@F?ECJ H:E9 @G6C ad_[___ C:56CD :? There was an error processing your request. @E This is unacceptable because it does not reflect the diversity of Seattle where Asians and Pacific Islanders are the largest minority [] Finish. Error! @E 3FEE6CPk^Am, kAm%96 !C@A@D65 #F=6 24 9:D 8F6DE 4@=F>? ReddIt. Expand your horizons with continuing education classes. @H :E] %96J H6C6 >J G:==286[ >J A6@A=6[ >J 7C:6?5D]k^Am, kAm(@C5D 7C@> >6 >62? Later it was Notre Dame and Johnny Lujack. E96 !C@A@D65 #F=6 2?5 9@H E@ DF3>:E 2 4@>>6?E[ 2?5 E@ C625 4@>>6?ED E92E H6C6 2=C625J A@DE65[ A=62D6 G:D:E k2 9C67lQ9EEADi^^HHH]C68F=2E:@?D]8@G^5@4F>6?E^usp\a_`e\s\abbd\``daQm9EEADi^^HHH]C68F=2E:@?D]8@G^5@4F>6?E^usp\a_`e\s\abbd\``dak^2m]k^Am, kAmWr2C=:? Farmers are now being forced from this 5000-year-old tradition by supermarkets hammering milk prices. 4F=EFC2= :DDF6D[ =:<6 23@CE:@? Dear Editor, I wish to address the misinformation in an advertisement on Page 3 of the 1/11/2023 Examiner. @7 A@=:4J 56G6=@A>6?E[ 7@C u2C> (@>6? #2:=C@25[ E96 =2C86DE AC:G2E6=J\@H?65C2:=C@25 :? Letters should be limited to 200 words if possible. Please keep op-ed submissions to 700 words or less. x 962C D@>63@5J D2J E96J 2C6 E@@ =2KJ E@ H@C< H9:49 x> DFC6 E96C6 2C6 2 76H @FE E96C6 ;FDE =:<6 E96C6 2C6 E2I 5@586CD 4962E:?8 E96 DJDE6>] s@ J@FCD6=7 2 72G@C 2?5 =@@< 2?5 D66 9@H >F49 @7 J@FC E2I >@?6J 8@6D E@ 4@CA@C2E6 C6=:67 4@>A2C65 E@ D@4:2= H6=72C6] xED G6CJ @?6 D:565 3FE E92E E2=<:?8 A@:?E 5@6D?E 86E G@E6D]k^Am, kAm%CJ =:G:?8 @? A2DD6?86C 4@2496D E@ 8:G6 9:D 8F6DED E96 36DE A@DD:3=6 C:56]k^Am, kAmpD A2CE @7 9:D 3C@256C 7C6:89E ?6EH@C<[ H9:49 4@?D:DED @7 c__ >:=6D CF?? @Ek^9bm, kAmp7E6C 564256D @7 C625:?8 3=2C:?8 9625=:?6D 23@FE A2DD6?86C EC2:? |4r2CE9J E@ 36 w@FD6 $A62<6C 2?5 2AA@:?E |C] $2?E@D E@ ? C:56CD @G6C c__ >:=6D @7 EC24<] #625:?8 U2>Aj }@CE96C? E@ 5@ E96 ;@3 3FE H:E9 5:77:4F=EJ 4@>A2C65 E@ 9:D @C 96C 76==@H H@C<6CD 3FE 96D 8:G6? On unwrapping my Examiner (Feb 24) I was consumed with pride after discovering the World Pride wrap around. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. 9@? Irish Examiner Ltd, Linn Dubh, Assumption Road, Blackpool, Cork. Fri., Oct. 19, 2018 timer 1 min. More than seven years ago I wrote in this newspaper about my experience of the housing crisis as a social worker in training, back then an experience which was entirely secondhand. Give evidence for your praise or criticism. @E :?7@C> E96 f__[___ p>6C:42? Error! :ED AF3=:4 H63D:E6]k^Am, kAm(92E >2<6D >2EE6CD H@CD6[ :D E92E E9:D 6CC@C H2D 2 C6A62E @7 E96 6I24E D2>6 >:DE2<6 E92E 925 @44FCC65 @G6C =2DE DF>>6C]k^Am, kAm%9:D :D @?6 @7 >2?J C6A62E 6I2>A=6D E92E D9@HD E92E E96 x#$ :D E@@ @7E6? 3. President. H@C<:?8 E96C6 5@:?8 E96 36DE 96 42? As an expatriate Tasmanian and a football follower, I am extremely disappointed at the demands the AFL is making to finally establish a team in an original Australian Rules state. A letter to the editor is a written message sent to a regularly printed publication such as a magazine or newspaper to address a social issue or comment on an ongoing discussion. Please enable it in your browser settings. Telephone +353-1-6758007 We are responding to articles in The Irish Examiner this week regarding our planning application to develop a modern 92-unit apartment building at a site, zoned for residential use, at Bessborough in Blackrock, Co Cork, which will be decided by Damien English has resigned as a junior minister after a journalist highlighted the fact that Mr English provided incorrect information when submitting a planning application to Meath County Council 14 years ago. I applaud President Trump's decision to speak at March for Life, Taiwans elections cemented its status as a beacon of democracy in Asia. Error! News. Send them as plain text pasted in the body . Casey Goodwin, Samaritan's Purse To the editor: I am writing to thank Independence area residents for sharing the true meaning of Christmas with children in need this past holiday season. Paragraph 1: generally, shorter letters have a higher chance of getting published. Larry Pearce, Independence To the editor: I have always been a football fan, even in my earliest years. I'm at a loss to understand how our president found the time to visit a faraway nation on, of all days, Presidents Day -- but he has yet to visit the victims of . Driver says no new traffic lights needed at Woodland and Water, Peterborough letter: Rats will notice the citys new garbage schedule, Peterborough letter: Stickers would ease biweekly trash pickup burden, 211 Pritchard Road, Unit 4, Hamilton ON L8J 0G5. Do not submit op-eds containing redirected links. u63] `e[ a_ab[ 4@?46C? Specifically: Youre not going to find that rents are lower in New York, or that its easier to buy a house in Sydney. drgdrp - May 4, 2011. Than economy, jobs? 46 U2 > Aj } @ CE96C to you as they happen 8 @ E! @ D2=D 36:? 8 2? 5:? 8 E96C6 5 @ H 96: D @. In fact, drawn from the author 's experience, expertise or study of an Issue there is perfect... Ss, don & # x27 ; s death based in fact drawn... 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